
Showing posts from August, 2022

Tuesday Blog Report

 Today we read another poem. This one being about losing your mind.The poem talks about loneliness. A funeral is also present. Although I can’t relate much to losing my mind, but once you lose your mind there’s no going back.

Monday Blog Report

 Today we read a poem about being “Different”. Now i quote this because everyone believes they’re different. In reality they are normal people following the rules society has given us. “Different” is a word thrown around. No one is truly different. Maybe in clothing they may be different. Thats my opinion on that topic.

Bell Ringer

 The probability of life outside the earth is high. People still don’t know whats out there. You cannot jump to conclusions. I didn’t know Earth was so small compared to Mars though. The sound of the Black Hole was nothing too special. Didn’t really faze me at all. Definitely wasn’t  “creepy” or “scary”. There are still more things beyond the planets we haven’t discovered. Maybe in due time everything will be brought to the light.

Friday (August 26, 2022)

 Today we watched a short film for the bell ringer. Can’t recall the name right now but i do remember wjat it was about. It was about not complicating things. Not making life too hard for you. To not over complicate things.  An example could be cleaning. Most people complicate that by being lazy.

Tuesday (August 23, 2022)

 Today for the bell ringer we watched another short film. At this moment I can’t remember what the name of it was. I can although remember what it is about though. It was mostly about learning to accept who you are. To be at peace with yourself. To not change too much that you hurt the others around you. 

Monday (August 22, 2022)

 Today as usual we watched another short film. It was called “IDENTITY” . It was mostly about people trying to find their identity. They all wore mask to specify what group of people they were in. The main girl wore a mask completely different from everyone else. Im assuming it’s because she didn’t fit in or she wanted to be different. At the end of the film she takes her mask off and says “The truth found me” indicating she has finally found her identity.

Friday (August 19, 2022)

 Today, like usual, we watched another short film. This one called “The Final Three Minutes” It was about a man who was dying and in his final moments saw his life flash before his eyes. All or most of the events that occurred in his life. It was an interesting film to say the least. After we took a Pre test .

Thursday (August 18, 2022)

 Today we watched another short film. This one about a man being impatient and a little ignorant. The elevator he was in was filled with people who weren’t that slim. So the elevator had dropped back to floor 1. A heaver guy was walking to the elevator so the guy got off. I thought he was gonna take the stairs but instead he chose the other elevator. With skinner people, but they were all sick. He had put himself in a worse position. We also covered Figurative Language today. The devices being Imagery, Simile , Metaphor, Alliteration, Personification, Onomatopoeia, Hyperbole, and Idioms.

Monday (August 15, 2022)

 I was absent 

Wednesday (August 17, 2022)

 Today I learned about purpose. How purpose is the meaning or sense of reason in life. I questioned the purpose of the kid in the bell ringer. Why was he so bent on wanting to get the teacher to acknowledge that the answer was four? He knew the outcome of disobeying. It didn’t work well in his favor. The last kid in the bell ringer wrote two plus two equals four on his paper. I relate to this one the most. I would rather write on my paper that it was four. Instead of trying to demonstrate to everyone and getting punished for it. In the story we read today we got to see two sides of it. A purpose of either robbing the house or wanting to buy it. Today was all about purpose.

Tuesday (August 16, 2022)

 Watched a Ted Talk today about how Effort leads to success. How you don’t need to be extremely smart or talented to be successful. I found this speaker very easy to relate with because of how he handled obstacles tossed at him. With not being smarter than others. Not necessarily meaning your dumb, but just not extremely smart as one could say. The only thing helping you is your effort to succeed. The ability to outwork others. The speaker said he was talentless. I disagree with that though. Having the ability to outwork others is a talent in my opinion. Putting forth more effort than others is the greatest talent of them all.


 Yo, I’m Omari. I’m 17 years old and I go to Cedar Grove High school. I’m from Atlanta, Georgia, born and raised here. Mainly what I do for fun would be gaming or playing a little basketball here and there with my friends. 3 goals I would like to achieve this year would be graduating with a 3.3 or higher, hopefully getting a scholarship, and going to a good college.